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So far admin has created 49 blog entries.
14 04, 2010

Web Module Update Errors and Workaround

By | 2010-04-14T05:53:57+00:00 April 14th, 2010|How To, Software Updates, Uncategorized, Web Module|1 Comment

We have just issued an automatic update for the Vantage range of products, including Vantage Ultimate and the Web Module. Unfortunately there are two issues with the Web Module auto update process. Everyone on a 64 bit operating system machines will encounter issue #1 (Unable to locate installation location), and some of you may encounter issue #2 (System.IO.FileLoadException).

7 04, 2010

Soho Alpha Release – Issues and Workarounds

By | 2010-04-07T06:28:06+00:00 April 7th, 2010|How To, Software Updates, Tips and Best Practices, Uncategorized, WebSpy Soho|0 Comments

It’s been a crazy few weeks but we’ve finally managed to get the first release of WebSpy Soho out the door. It is our intention to keep our Alpha testers up to date with our ongoing development. Right now, I’d like to inform you about some issues experienced by a handful of testers and how to go about resolving them.

12 03, 2010

Vantage Update – New Fields for IronPort

By | 2010-03-12T06:55:01+00:00 March 12th, 2010|Firewall Analysis, IronPort, Loaders, Log File Analysis, Software Updates, System Administration, Uncategorized, Vantage, Web Browsing Analysis|0 Comments

We have just added support for the 'Group' field in IronPort's access logs. You can add this field to your logs by adding %g in the 'Custom Fields' edit box. We have also added support for the custom fields Body Request Size and Body Response Size.

2 03, 2010

Vantage Update – Fix for Microsoft FTMG SQL Import

By | 2010-03-02T15:58:13+00:00 March 2nd, 2010|Loaders, Log File Analysis, Microsoft ISA Server, Microsoft Threat Management Gateway, Software Updates, Uncategorized, Vantage, Web Module, WebSpy|0 Comments

Our support for Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway is quite new and we’ve just fixed a couple of issues that we haven’t yet released as a public update yet. In particular, this update fixes the "specified cast invalid error" that occurs when importing the Web Proxy database logs.

8 02, 2010

8 Reasons NOT to Use Microsoft Forefront TMG's Reporting

By | 2010-02-08T06:48:39+00:00 February 8th, 2010|Aliases, Firewall Analysis, How To, Loaders, Log File Analysis, Microsoft ISA Server, Microsoft Threat Management Gateway, Reports, Tips and Best Practices, Uncategorized, Vantage, Web Browsing Analysis, Web Module, WebSpy|6 Comments

I've been having a look through the reporting functionality included in Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway to find that not much has changed from ISA Server 2006. There is some new information regarding the newly implemented URL categorization and threat management technology, but there is very little flexibility or customization for those with reporting requirements beyond general overviews cluttered with irrelevant information. Here is what I consider to be the 8 main limitations of Microsoft Forefront TMG's reporting functionality.

16 12, 2009

Microsoft TMG and UAG Released! What is the difference?

By | 2009-12-16T07:31:02+00:00 December 16th, 2009|Firewall Analysis, Loaders, Log File Analysis, Microsoft ISA Server, Microsoft Threat Management Gateway, Software Updates, Uncategorized, Vantage, Web Browsing Analysis, WebSpy|0 Comments

Most of our customers using Microsoft ISA server are probably aware by now that Microsoft have released the new version of ISA server, which is now re-branded as Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG). In addition to this, Microsoft has also re-branded its Internet Access Gateway (IAG) to Unified Access Gateway (UAG). […]

7 12, 2009

How Do I Transfer Reports to a Different User in the Web Module?

By | 2009-12-07T03:40:57+00:00 December 7th, 2009|How To, Reports, Uncategorized, Vantage, Web Module|0 Comments

Today I was asked how to transfer one report in the web module to a different user. The obvious reason for this is when someone leaves your company, the reports they had access to need to be transfered to the new person taking over their role. Unfortunately there’s not an easy way to do this via the user interface yet, but it is a planned feature. In the mean time, you can do it by editing an XML file manually.

11 11, 2009

Lessons learned from a hacked Twitter account

By | 2009-11-11T07:09:12+00:00 November 11th, 2009|Articles, Cyber Crime, How To, Tips and Best Practices, Uncategorized, WebSpy, WebSpy News Update|0 Comments

If you follow @WebSpy on Twitter, you would have received a very strange Direct Message (DM) from us yesterday. Something along the lines of "rofl this you?" or "you're on this vid!" or "I found you on here!" Unfortunately, the WebSpy Twitter account fell victim to a phishing scam, and as a result sent phishing spam to all our Twitter followers. We are embarrassed by the incident and we apologize to all of our followers, especially the ones that clicked the link in the DM and were caught by the phishing scam themselves. Here's a rundown of the event in the hope that it will help others know what to look out for.